We offer a variety of services to ensure we maximize the value of your business. We strategically analyze your industry and suppliers to provide you the most relevant services that will create Fortune 500 level savings at a fraction of the cost.
Innovate partners with clients to deliver best-in-class procurement through project initiatives and outsourcing. To achieve the best ROI for our clients, our approach centers around spend analysis tailored to your needs in order to identify areas for strategic savings and outsourcing opportunities to implement procurement systems that promote profitability.
Over $40 billion accomplished deals
$7 billion realized in savings, serving various industries
70% lower rates and better results than closest competitors
Technology, project implementation, professional services, travel, outsourcing and other savings ranging from 9%-57% and over
We are not your typical consultants, we stick around and ensure results.
Travel resourcing: $8M annual spend -> $1.1M savings including establishment of preferred hotels and airline partners along with booking fee elimination
Servers: $36M annual spend -> $7.4M savings including cost avoidance and operating lease incentives to conserve cash flow along with system renewals
ERP implementation: 26 week timeline reduced to 14 week implementation and system launch on schedule and on budget with $600K implementation reduction
Legal expenses: rate card establishment resulting in $600K annual cost reduction
Cataloguing and fixed consumables pricing: $9M annual spend with $2.2M savings through consolidation, supplier BCP and price locks (budgeting and ordering)
Software: $22M annual spend with $6.7M savings including cost avoidance based on software pull aheads and licenses management/utilization
Outsourcing: payroll and parts of procurement for a major Fortune 500 customer with 32% NPV savings
Benefits: reduction of $22M for combined PEPY and higher coverage
Data Protection and BCP: $18M annual spend with $3.7M benefit based on data protection, risk mitigation and efficiencies